I like all the usual things — comics, music, movies, good food and good drink. And TV and casual gaming. Expect all of those things here.

You may know me from my long-term website Comicsgirl, which I did in one form or another for more than 20 years. I was the Ignatz Award coordinator for Small Press Expo between 2011-2016 and I am currently one of the coordinators of the Harvey Awards, awarded at New York Comic Con.

I have worked in print and online journalism and design. I’m currently a web developer. I proudly live in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., and you can sometimes find me hanging out at Big Planet Comics Bethesda.

(Cosmic Need is an anagram, in case you were wondering, but it’s a phrase/concept I like.)

I’m not really looking to make money from this site, but if you’d like to contribute through Ko-fi below, I’d appreciate it. Mostly, though, I’m glad you’re here.

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